SuperHack CD.bin
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150 lines
&C-Script Commands
.&Enable Away 1 (All On):/nick $?="Enter away nick" | /away -a $$?="Enter reason for being away"
.&Enable Away 2 (Only Pager On):/nick $?="Enter away nick" | /away -p $$?="Enter reason for being away"
.&Enable Away 3 (Only MsgLog On):/nick $?="Enter away nick" | /away -m $$?="Enter reason for being away"
.&Enable Away 4 (Only Beeper On):/nick $?="Enter away nick" | /away -b $$?="Enter reason for being away"
.&Enable Away 5 (All Off):/nick $?="Enter away nick" | /away -n $$?="Enter reason for being away"
.&Disable Away:/nick $$?="Enter nick" | /away
.&Away Help:/away -h
&Auto Idle-Away
.&Enable Idle-Away:/set %idleaway On
.&Disable Idle-Away:/set %idleaway Disabled
.&Set Idle-Away Time:/set %idletimesec $$?="How long (*In Seconds*)" | /echo 4 -a Time before Auto Idle-Away set to: $duration(%idletimesec)
.&Enable MAX FLOOD Pro:/enable #MAX1 | /enable #MAX2 | /enable #MAX3 | /disable #groupCTCP | /ignore -a *!*@* | /echo 4 -a Regular = OFF -- MAX = ON
.&Disable MAX FLOOD Pro:/disable #MAX1 | /disable #MAX2 | /disable #MAX3 | /enable #groupCTCP | /ignore -r *!*@* | /echo 4 -a Regular = ON -- MAX = OFF
..&Start C-BoT:/botrun C-BoT
..&Join Channel ?:/dde mircbot command "" /join $?="Enter a channel to join"
..&Leave Channel ?:/dde mircbot command "" /part $?="Enter a channel to leave"
..&Copy Mode:/enable #COPY
..&Remove Copy:/disable #COPY
..&Clear ShootList On Boss:/dde mircbot command "" /auser 500 $dde mirc nickname "" | /dde mircbot command "" /guser 500 $dde mirc nickname "" 3 | /dde mircbot command "" /ignore -r $dde mirc nickname "" 4 | /msg $dde mircbot nickname "" +unban $?="Enter channel to be unbanned from" $dde mirc nickname "" | /echo 4 Attempting to have the Bot clear the shootlist and unban you... Give it 10 secs then try.
..&TSU Bomb:/dde mircbot command "" /tsukill $$?="What nick?"
..&Bot Die:/dde mircbot command "" /rlevel 500 | /dde mircbot command "" /exit
..&Start BibleBoT:/botrun B-BoT
..&Join Channel ?:/dde BibleBot command "" /join $?="Enter a channel to join"
..&Leave Channel ?:/dde BibleBot command "" /part $?="Enter a channel to leave"
...&Enable NIV:/dde BibleBot command "" /enable #niv
...&Disable NIV:/dde BibleBot command "" /disable #niv
...&Enable KJV:/dde BibleBot command "" /enable #kjv
...&Disable KJV:/dde BibleBot command "" /disable #kjv
..&Bot Die:/dde BibleBot command "" /exit
.&Collider Bot
..&Start Collider Bot:/botrun Collider
..&Status:/dde CBot command "" /dde mirc Command "" /echo 5 *** Collide Bot Server Status: $dde CBot connected ""
..&Collide On:/enable #CBot | /echo 5 *** Nick Kill = ON
..&Collide Off:/disable #CBot | /echo 5 *** Nick Kill = OFF
..&Join:/dde CBot command "" /join $?="Enter a channel to join"
..&Leave:/dde CBot command "" /part $?="Enter a channel to leave"
..&Die:/dde CBot command "" /exit | /disable #CBot | /echo 5 *** BOT Killed -- Collider OFF
..&Start SpyBot:/botrun Spy
..&Dcc Chat:/dcc chat $dde spy nickname ""
..&Names:/dde Spy command "" /msg = $+ $dde mirc nickname "" User Report: $dde spy USERS $?="Enter channel name" ""
..&Scan:/dde spy command "" /set %SCN $?="Enter channel to Scan" | /dde spy command "" /scan %SCN
..&Status:/dde spy command "" /stats
..&Chans On:/dde Spy command "" /msg = $+ $dde mirc nickname "" Channels On: $dde spy CHANNELS ""
..&Join:/dde Spy command "" /join $?="Enter channel to spy on"
..&Leave:/dde Spy command "" /part $?="Enter channel to leave"
..&Leave All:/dde Spy command "" /partall
..&Die:/dde Spy command "" /exit
..&Start Link1:/botrun Link1
..&Start Link2:/botrun Link2
..&All Links Die:/dde Link1 command "" /exit | /dde Link2 command "" /exit
..&LinkBot Commands
...&Set Link Channel:/dde Link1 command "" /set %linkchan $$?="Link Channel (Link1)" | /dde Link1 command "" /set %playchan $$?="Play to Channel (Link1)" | /dde Link2 command "" /set %linkchan $$?="Link Channel (Link2)" | /dde Link2 command "" /set %playchan $$?="Play to Channel (Link2)"
...&Set Link Network:/dde Link1 command "" /set %network $$?="Network (Link1)" | /dde Link2 command "" /set %network $$?="Network (Link2)"
...&Enable ChannelLink:/dde Link1 command "" /enable %ChannelLink | /dde Link2 command "" /enable %ChannelLink | /dde Link1 command "" /disable %Link | /dde Link2 command "" /disable %Link
...&Disable ChannelLink:/dde Link1 command "" /disable %ChannelLink | /dde Link2 command "" /disable %ChannelLink
...&Enable Link:/dde Link1 command "" /enable %Link | /dde Link2 command "" /enable %Link | /dde Link1 command "" /disable %ChannelLink | /dde Link2 command "" /disable %ChannelLink
...&Disable Link:/dde Link1 command "" /disable %Link | /dde Link2 command "" /disable %Link
...&Link1 Cmds
....&Join:/dde Link1 command "" /join $?="Enter Channel to join"
....&Part:/dde Link1 command "" /part $?="Enter Channel to leave"
....&Part All:/dde Link1 command "" /partall
....&Users:/set %lcusers $?="What Channel?" | /echo 3 -a Users for $dde Link1 USERS %lcusers ""
....&Server:/dde Link1 command "" /server $?="Enter: Server, Port (opt)"
....&Status:/dde Link1 command "" /msg $dde mirc nickname "" Server Status: $dde Link1 connected ""
....&DCC Link2:/dde Link1 command "" /DCC Chat $dde Link2 nickname ""
...&Link2 Cmds
....&Join:/dde Link2 command "" /join $?="Enter Channel to join"
....&Part:/dde Link2 command "" /part $?="Enter Channel to leave"
....&Part All:/dde Link2 command "" /partall
....&Users:/set %lcusers $?="What Channel?" | /echo 3 -a Users for $dde Link2 USERS %lcusers ""
....&Server:/dde Link2 command "" /server $?="Enter: Server, Port (opt)"
....&Status:/dde Link2 command "" /msg $dde mirc nickname "" Server Status: $dde Link2 connected ""
....&DCC Link1:/dde Link2 command "" /DCC Chat $dde Link1 nickname ""
..&Channel Scan:/scan $$?="Channel:"
..&Server Scan:/sscan $$?="Server:"
..&Clone Scan:/cscan $$?="Channel or Server:"
..&IRCop Scan
...&IRCop Scan:/ircops $$?="Server:"
...&Find ALL IRCops:/allircops
..&Get Email:/getmail
..&Send Email:/sendmail $$?="To:" $?="Subject:"
..&Email Help:/mailhelp
.&Telnet:/telnet $$?="IP Address (Not long IP)"
.&Web Browsing
..&Open a URL:/www $$?="Domain (Eg. www.yourname.com)" $?="Dir/File (Eg. /dir1/page1.htm)"
..&Web Browsing Help:/wwwhelp
.&Version Check
..&Check to see if you have the latest version of C-Script:/vercheck
.&Send Com/Sug
..&Send Comments/Suggestions/Bug Reports:/comments
.&Timed Quit:/set %dtqt1 $$?="Quit at What time: (Eg. 21:15, or 9:30)" | /set %dtqm1 $$?="Quit Message:" | /timer %dtqt1 1 1 /quit %dtqm1 (Timed quit at %dtqt1 $+ )
.&Delayed Quit:/set %dtqt1 $$?="How many secs before quit:" | /set %dtqm1 $$?="Quit Message:" | /timer 1 %dtqt1 /quit %dtqm1 (Delayed quit after $duration( %dtqt1 ) $+ )
.&Quit Now:/quit $$?="Quit Message:"